Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas To All!

And so it's Christmas! Let's all take the time today to savor the moments throughout the day that will never come again. A time to forgive. A time to share. A time for giving of ourselves. A time to love. And, most of all...a time to thank God for what we have, and not to dwell on what we don't have! We will never pass this way again!!

Friday, December 24, 2010

Merry Christmas Eve!

This image from a recent shoot at a client's home made me think of the Star of Bethlehem! I know it was the moon, but it was the only light in the sky that snowy night and it might as well have been a star! A very Merry Christmas to all our wonderful customers and friends and their families! Thank you for inviting us into your homes and into your hearts and trusting us to record some of your most precious memories!

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Ice Fairy!

I particularly like this one! Lately, I've been living in "Once Upon A Time" land!! We've been surrounded by princesses, dragons, fairies and angels! What a ride!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Christmas Fairy!

Christmas is coming and so are the fairies! I'm certain you've seen them recently, especially since it's already snowed. But, I'll bet they aren't as cute as this little pixie whose image we captured just the other day!

Holiday Time Is Family Time!

Recently, we had the honor of photographing this wonderful family at their lovely home at Thanksgiving. Although their home is one of the most beautiful in Jackson County, the family's warmth and hospitality outshines anything else as we created this timeless image for them that will last throughout the years.