This dancer wanted a special image to commemorate her dance to "Amazing Grace," so we opted for an "angelic" composition and dramatic lighting. I love the result!
This image from our Senior session yesterday reminds me that wherever we travel, West Virginia is our home, sweet home and we have plenty to be thankful for on this beautiful day of Thanksgiving! Take a moment to think of all you HAVE...not what you DON'T HAVE...and today, you will be truely blessed!
Here's a great family portrait we did for a client recently. When I do black and white portraiture, I like to emphasize the faces because, after all, that's what's really important! I try to etch each face in the viewer's mind and these faces each told a story! A true treasure for any family album!
Two weekends ago, we had the honor of being the photographers for the NBTA WV State Twirling Competition. This young lady is the World Strut Champion and opted for us to create a special composite image for her. This is the result. I love it!
I decided to photograph this family from a slightly different angle and it worked out well. I love the slight "S" curve of the composition and the fact that everyone decided to look at the camera at the same time! What a beautiful little family they are! I love photographing at a client's home and this shoot was special as I've known mom and dad since birth!
The colors in this portrait compliment our beautiful senior! Her color is definitely blue as it brings out her eyes and skin tones and features her hair. This is one of my many favorites from her shoot from this past weekend. I plan on sharing others!
Had the honor of taking twirling portraits for the West Virginia NBTA State Twirling Competition yesterday. It doubled as a Riggs Rangerette "mini reunion" and this is the resulting image! Such memories! And, by the way, the women are putting the famous Riggs Rangerette Parade Corp routine back on the floor for the Miss Majorette Competition in May!! Be there or be square. I woudn't miss this for the world!!!
I caught these young hunters unaware as they spotted deer on the adjacent hillside! Actually, the shot was set up but was no less precious when you see the looks on the boy's faces! This is one for the family album, for sure!
That's the phrase that comes to mind when I look at this image from our most recent family session! I'm certain that, years from now, the little one will look at this precious capture and know how blessed she was and is!
Although we all froze half to death last night, it was all worth it when our Red Devils brought back the hatchet by winning the game! Here's one of the many great shots we got at the post-game celebration! And, congratulations to Coach Dick Sturm for winning his 100th game!
Ann's Location Photography has just been named in the top 400 Senior Portrait Photographers by Senior Photographers International! This was based on review of our work and we're excited and thankful to all our fabulous seniors for helping make this happen!! Congratulations to all our young men and women!
This young man wanted his senior portraits to include a final tribute to his marshall arts instructor who's life was cut tragically short recently due to an accident. We began early in the morning that day to give him and his parents time to safely transport most of his trophies and awards to the studio for this most important portrait. We took several shots and adjusted and readjusted lights to capture a timeless image this senior will treasure for a lifetime! Ann's Location Photography wants to take this opportunity to celebrate the life of Chuck Raines and all this man did for the young people of our community!