This is one of images from the sports section of our senior shoot a couple of weekends ago. This young lady is a volleyball standout and wanted her competitive nature to show in her images. I think she was successful!
This is another one of my favorite images from the wedding this past weekend. The church was decorated beautifully with the small lanterns you see in the picture and they just added to the backlit look we wanted to achieve. The perspective of the pews lead your eyes right to the couple as they share a quiet moment. This image is a "must" for any wedding album!
This is one of the images from our wedding we photographed this weekend. I happened to step outside and notice this gorgeous sky. I immediately ran back into the reception hall and grabbed the bride and groom for a quick shot and this is the result! I love it and I'm certain the bride and groom will, also! I opted for split lighting on the subjects to increase the dramatics of the image and I think it went well with the beautiful October sky!
This was one of the images from our senior shoot this past weekend. I love the contrast and the way the light falls on this young man's face. It's sure to be at the top of the list as one of his favorite choices!
A lovely location and a beautiful subject combine to form this exquisite portrait of a young girl. I love how the sun backlit the subject and caused her to "pop" from the background. This, coupled with off-camera lighting coming in from the left served us well in the mid-afternoon sunlight!
The richness of fall colors is at its peak in this portrait of two brothers. I love the overall warmth of this image and the many colors make it almost look like a painting behind the subjects!
The Ohio River provides a beautiful background for this early afternoon family portrait! The sky had just the right amount of clouds and the tree at the left shaded the family enough to show the direction of light coming from my off-camera flash to the right. All in all, I was very pleased with this image!
Yes, fall is definitely upon us as is shown in this gorgeous family portrait! The sky cooperated that day and the sun was in the right place! All this coupled with the off-camera flash combined to paint this beautiful picture of this wonderful family and their beautiful farm !
This senior is a percussionist that doesn't mind showing off a little...even if it's in the middle of the road! This image is definitely one of my favorites from one of our recent senior picture sessions!
Yes, fall is finally here and it's a great time of year for family portraits! Here's a beautiful one from one of our shoots this weekend. I love the gorgeous colors in this image, from the greens and vibrant reds to the muted fall colors in the soft background...all of it combines for a wonderful family treasure!
These beautiful people are members of the RHS Homecoming Court for 2009. I had the honor of photographing them on their big day just minutes before the Homecoming Parade down main street! We hope and pray the rain will hold off for the crowning at halftime of the game this evening!